Multi Modal Training

For over ten years, we've been dedicated to education, continuously refining our innovative hybrid learning approach to spirometry training. This distinctive fusion of traditional teaching methods and state-of-the-art technology not only sets a new benchmark but also enhances the learning process, leading to increased engagement and improved knowledge retention. Choosing our program ensures a complete learning experience, backed by continuous support from start to finish.

Comprehensive Workbook

A comprehensive workbook is not only used during your training - you will find you keep referring back to it as your future resource 

Easy Platform

We provide a modern, easy to use platform, that you can educate at your convenience. Watch lectures, access resources and take quizzes all with ease.

Ongoing Mentorship

We consider it more of a mentorship as we support you along the way with useful resources and micro learning moments. Consider us your go-to spirometry resource and ask us your questions anytime - even after you receive your training certificate!
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Interactive Virtual Workshops

Virtual training allows a more accessible experience, and enables us to reach a broader audience across rural and remote regions of Australia and overseas.    
Ultimately, this saves you time, reduces the logistical challenges and costs of in person events and even contributes to lowering our carbon footprint. 
  • More accessible
  • Save time
  • Reduced logistical challenges
  • Reduced costs
  • Lower carbon footprint
  • Learn on your own device
  • Enhanced learning experience
  • Increased participation
  • Learn in the comfort of your clinic
Write your awesome label here.

Master your spirometer

Experience customised learning on your own device! 
Navigate the settings, elevate your calibration skills and excel in conducting quality tests.
Write your awesome label here.

Small Group Workshops

Interactive learning takes place in small groups.  
Alternatively, organise a private workshop for your company. (minimum 5)
Write your awesome label here.

Learn the Physiology

Gain an understanding of how to interpret the spirometry results and what they reveal about lung health.